Picture of I5 Bridge

Oregonians deserve transportation options that are safer, greener, more accessible, and more equitable than in previous generations.


By Sarah Iannarone, Executive Director

Passage of President Biden’s long-awaited $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (“IIJA”), earlier this month set the transportation sector atwitter with words like “once-in-a-generation,” “transformative” and “climate game-changer.” When added to money already coming Oregon’s way from the Feds, the IIJA means the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) stands poised to spend about $4.5 billion over the next five years. 

As the 2022 election cycle heats up, candidates, electeds, and agency heads are banging the git-er-done drum in unison. They argue we should leverage this deluge of dollars to break the political gridlock and push through a suite of major interconnected highway expansions around the Portland metro region. The drum beating has reached a rapid tempo. One director is pushing for action while the “stars align,” as he said in his update to the bi-state legislative committee overseeing a proposed I-5 bridge project across the Columbia River.

It’s hard not to match the drumbeat, but ODOT is plagued by cost overruns on major projects alongside a half-billion-dollar annual maintenance backlog. The chance to increase revenues through tolling, now expanded thanks to the passage of HB 3055, has distracted ODOT from pursuing good policy and centered its focus on trying to find a way out of a financial pothole. 

The fact is ODOT is severely overextended, yet wants Oregonians to trust them as they embark on a speculative freeway widening scheme intended to address congestion and get Portland-area traffic – especially freight – flowing like it’s 1966 when I-5 construction was completed. Even if ODOT’s new Urban Mobility Office – created expressly to coordinate the freeway expansions and concurrent tolling project – could successfully execute its mission, the logic behind its policies is fundamentally flawed. 

We cannot build ourselves out of the congestion hole with freeway expansions, so ODOT needs to put down its shovels and stop digging.

On top of the climate and racial justice impacts of interstate freeway widening, the projects simply cost too much and fail to deliver on the congestion relief or free-flowing freight mobility they promise. ODOT’s insistence on these projects is especially worrisome because we know that better policies exist. For example, we need to be dynamically pricing the system to manage demand (for example, by increasing the cost of driving at peak hours). And, we should be investing in walking, bicycling, micromobility, and transit to unclog our roadways and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Every lane mile of highway ODOT builds costs taxpayers millions of dollars while  adding drive-alone trips  to the roads when we need to be reducing the number of cars on the road and the miles they travel. 

Instead of dancing to ODOT’s beat, legislators and the Oregon Transportation Commission need to seize this opportunity and direct ODOT to start banking on the ROI of active transportation and transit investments if they hold any hope of unraveling gridlock and getting our state’s green leadership back on track. (And no, electric vehicles will not save us.) 

We have less than a decade remaining to change course and preserve this planet for future generations. At COP26 in Glasgow this month,mayors from across the globe announced that investments in public transit must double to meet our climate goals. Those investments should not perpetuate the status quo.

Oregon’s transportation system contributes 40% of Oregon’s GHG pollution,and serves as the setting for the deaths of hundreds of people every year, while injuring exponentially more. It fails to serve people who don’t drive or own cars – approximately 30% of Oregonians don’t drive, according to a recent presentation to the Legislature’s Joint Transportation Committee. The maintenance of the status quo will only increase the ongoing impacts of systemic racism that have resulted in people from Black, Brown and Indigenous communities being more reliant on walking, biking, and public transit to get where they are going and more vulnerable to danger. The disproportionate burden borne by already trauma-impacted and vulnerable members of our community is unacceptable. We cannot continue to invest in a system that leaves so much of our population underserved and behind.

The health impacts and disparities of our current system should be argument enough for ODOT to change course from status quo investments. Oregonians deserve transportation options that are safer, greener, more accessible, and more equitable than in previous generations. Unfortunately, for every good dollar in the infrastructure package dedicated to climate resilience, active transportation, and transit, there are two more that incentivize driving alone and perpetuating an unjust and outdated system. This is no time to be taking one step forward and two steps back with our mobility investments. 

The windfall to Oregon from this infrastructure package (along with Build Back Better Act, should it pass) is a rare opportunity to make equitable, climate-smart investments. These are the investments that the Oregon Legislature, Transportation Commission (OTC), and local DOTS previously told transportation advocates were not possible because “we just don’t have the money for that.” Now, that excuse doesn’t have a wheel to drive on.

We can upend the status quo by taking a few, critical steps (in no particular order): first, completing the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan; second, exponentially increasing transit service and coverage across and between our urban areas; third, transferring our orphaned state highways to local communities; fourth, engage and learn from representative and inclusive organizations, such as those leading the Clean and Just Transportation Network; and, fifth, ensuring that we will have frequent high-capacity transit, local bus service, and active transportation infrastructure across the Portland-metro region, including along the I-5 corridor and across the Columbia River.  

Unfortunately, what we’ve heard from ODOT thus far is too much money planned for major highway projects and far too little committed to reducing and regulating greenhouse gas emissions — projects that would align with Governor Kate Brown’s Executive Order on Climate Action. When asked by the media at a briefing last week whether ODOT’s future infrastructure spending would reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), Assistant Director Brouwer could not comment. 

When it comes to transportation infrastructure spending in Oregon, the only correct official answer should be, “Yes, it reduces VMT and GHG.” 

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to focus on building a future transportation system that works for all Oregonians — one that is equitable and safe for people of all races, genders, zip codes, ages, and abilities. When our descendants look back at us in this moment a century from now, will they thank us for blessing them with mobility that is universally safe and accessible – a human right, even – or did we leave them more of the deadly and polluting system that we unfortunately inherited from our forebears a century ago?


Note: This essay originally appeared in The Oregon Way, Nov 26, 2021 sign up for their mailing list for the first look at our quarterly contributions to their newsletter.

Oregon Active Transportation Summit 2022The Street Trust is now accepting proposals for workshops, presentations, panel discussions, mobile workshops, and study tours. To submit your proposal, complete the form by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 4th. The Summit Planning Committee will confirm proposals in February.

The Street Trust’s 2022 Active Transportation Summit will take place on
Monday, April 25th – Weds, April 27th, 2022

The guiding theme for the 2022 Summit is Our Transportation Future.

Content will be sorted across four tracks:

  • Justice & Equity
  • Resilience & Recovery
  • Accessibility & Safety
  • Technology & Innovation

About The Street Trust’s Active Transportation Summit :: Each year, hundreds of professionals and advocates from Oregon and SW Washington convene to discuss cutting-edge transportation issues. The Summit is the place to share your latest research, project triumph, and innovative idea among colleagues and friends. The 2022 Summit is a hybrid event: keynotes, plenaries, presentations, and panels will be primarily virtual while networking events, mobile workshops and a range of study tours (including on foot, by bike, transit and even multimodal) will take place in person.


Submit a proposal



The City of Milwaukie has opened new Safe Routes to School for students attending Linwood Elementary and Sojourner School! Thanks to these multi-use pathways (pictured right), residents can now more comfortably walk and roll on Linwood Avenue. 

These new pathways would not have happened with out the hard work of The Street Trust’s own Nicole Perry, who is our Clackamas County Safe Routes to School Coordinator and parent of one of Linwood Elementary’s students. Great work, Nicole!

Join The Street Trust as we celebrate the opening of the paths this Saturday afternoon. The City of Milwaukie will have four tent stations along the half mile stretch between Montgomery Drive and Aspen Street. The stations will be handing out treats, coffee, apple juice, stickers, and scavenger hunt prizes. Attendees can also also participate in bike decorating and sidewalk chalk art.

Arrive between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. this Saturday, November 20th.


Last week The Street Trust’s Policy Transformation Manager sent the letter below to the Oregon Tolling Program about the Regional Mobility Pricing Project. TST will continue to keep the pressure on leadership to use congestion pricing for what it is for–reducing congestion–not for paying for more highway lanes and car infrastructure at the expense of bike, pedestrian, and transit investments..

“The Street Trust is a membership advocacy organization amplifying the voice of street users from across Greater Portland. We work at the intersections of an ongoing transportation crisis. Every day, our unsafe and incomplete public streets threaten our lives and livelihoods. Together, we can stop preventable death resulting from racial and social inequality, inadequate safety, and the climate crisis. For that reason, we are working hard to overcome the political gridlock that ignores these most urgent needs.

Given these priorities, The Street Trust is focused on advancing a regional system that manages demand and prioritizes multimodal infrastructure. We are strong proponents of the emerging use of pricing as a tool to help manage traffic demand, address urgent climate concerns, and improve equitable access to other modes in our transportation system. However, The Street Trust supports using pricing as a tool to manage transportation demand, not as a revenue generator for expanding capacity for drive-alone trips.


The language in your draft document states that the purpose of the Regional Mobility Pricing Project is “to implement congestion pricing to manage traffic congestion and to generate revenue for priority transportation projects.” This is unacceptably vague and as such, we ask that you please clearly describe the characteristics of a priority transportation project, especially as it relates to the stated goals of “support[ing] multimodal transportation choices to provide travel options and reduce congestion” and “provid[ing] benefits for historically and currently excluded and underserved communities” and “reducing contributions to climate change effects” (p. 7).

We are gravely concerned that every project listed on the Urban Mobility Office’s website is centered on freeways or freeway expansion.The Street Trust believes the future of Urban Mobility is multimodal, not auto-centric. Oregonians deserve more than a “pave now, pay later” investment in the midst of a long-overdue climate justice reckoning and recalibration.

Throughout the draft document, there is not a single mention of induced demand. A
clear explanation of this principle and its consequence is a critical element of transportation planning discussions; thus, the final purpose and need statement document must include an explanation of induced demand.

As leaders in the discussion of congestion pricing, it is important that ODOT embraces its responsibility for driving an essential cultural shift towards the elevation and prioritization alternatives to the carbon-intensive, drive-alone trip. This project is an extraordinary opportunity to help Oregonians understand that the things they’ve perceived as free have actually been quite costly, causing harm to our most vulnerable communities for decades and that without urgent, strategic, and innovative intervention, they will continue to do so.
Finally, we ask that you move forward with a commitment to equity by ensuring you spend sufficient time and resources engaging and taking direction from the multiple generations of communities that have suffered negatively from your previous freeway projects, with a specific focus on Portland’s Black community members displaced during the original Interstate 5 construction.
We remain appreciative of the work you’ve done and are excited about the potential for our state to emerge as a national leader on innovative, equitable, and impactful transportation policy. Please do not hesitate to reach out to The Street Trust if we can support you in this important work.”

Many thanks,
André Lightsey-Walker
Policy Transformation Manager
The Street Trust

Advocacy work is painstaking and thankless. #TST staff attend hours of public hearings, write letters, and show up to testify week in and week out so your voices are represented in these discussions. But we need your support to make sure that pricing is implemented to reduce congestion and not to pay for more highway lanes at the expense of bike, pedestrian, and transit investments.

Donate today to support TST’s advocacy work ensuring fair and effective pricing in the Portland metro region.

Last month, The Street Trust’s Policy Transformation Manager sent the letter bellow to City Council to support Portland’s Bureau of Transportation and Bureau of Planning and Sustainability in developing an implementation plan for a suite of equitable mobility fees and investments based on principles recommended by the Pricing Options for Equitable Mobility Task Force.

Dear Mayor and City Council Members:
My name is André Lightsey-Walker and I am the Policy Transformation Manager at The Street Trust, a multimodal advocacy organization and registered lobbying entity with the City of Portland.
Today is a day to celebrate! I’m happy to share both my excitement and appreciation of the work the Taskforce has brought forward and I want to commend not only their outcomes but also – and perhaps more importantly – the groundwork and processes that have led to their final recommendations.
The Street Trust supports the Pricing Options for Equitable Mobility (POEM) Taskforce recommendations and encourages City Council to formally adopt these recommendations and to move quickly towards an implementation plan.
We are here today to support you as you navigate potential points of contention surrounding these recommendations and align your bureaus to ensure that they are implemented equitably, directed to do so with requisite urgency, and from a position of leadership both regionally and nationally.

As a regional advocacy organization, The Street Trust has identified equitable pricing as a strategic priority (and opportunity) to achieve greater mobility, equity and climate goals across the greater Portland metro area. We ask that The City of Portland not only support but lead implementation demand management of our transportation system by forwarding the POEM Task Force’s recommendations from your seat at the table in ODOT tolling discussions. You have the opportunity to set precedent at a pivotal point in the region’s history, where conversations of pricing are coming up at the local, regional, and state levels. Let’s work collectively to reestablish Portland as a global transportation leader and use our influence and successes as a model for how urban areas can do pricing right.

These are highly uncertain times in which you’re leading, and when discussing pricing options it may be tempting to center your priorities on revenue generation. It’s going to be important in this pivotal moment that you remember to prioritize changing travel behavior as opposed to generating revenue. The decisions you are making surrounding the POEM recommendations have the potential to positively transform our city and establish a tangible dedication to achieving the safety and climate outcomes we hope to achieve.

I encourage you all to remember that the primary goal of these recommendations is to reduce traffic demand and support congestion relief. Potential revenue should be looked at as an opportunity and tool to double down on your impact, by using the generated funds to continue to help reduce said demand and improve equitable outcomes in our transportation system.
When facing pushback to POEM recommendations, we must understand that the bulk of opposition stems from a perspective of Portland residents, old and new, who have traveled along and experienced city streets where policies and investments have prioritized the movement of automobiles over people… often, quite literally right over them. As long as we continue to prioritize drive-alone trips in our policies and investments, we will continue to see the creeping pollution, traffic violence, climate deterioration, and preventable death in our streets associated with those choices.
Many people, not unsurprisingly, are angered by the prospect of paying for something they’ve cognitively established as free. Whether it’s plastic bags, parking in their neighborhood, or crossing a bridge, and response to this change is natural. As leaders in our community, you have the opportunity to play a key role in helping people better understand that the things they’ve perceived as free have actually been quite costly, causing harm to our most vulnerable communities for decades.
And they will continue to do so without urgent, strategic and innovative intervention.


Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

shows there is a national trend in traffic fatalities EVEN amidst the decrease in VMT associated with the pandemic. The City of Portland is no different: our streets are deadly, and we’ve already lost at least 51 lives to traffic violence in 2021. The Street Trust echoes PBOT’s proclamation that one death in our streets is too many, so we must collectively upend our auto-centric paradigm and prioritize the mobility of our most vulnerable street users first. We still have a unique opportunity to implement changes before returning to normal travel patterns. The Street Trust believes quick action on these recommendations will lead to more significant impacts and better outcomes for our community.


I ask for your continued leadership as we move forward in showing Portland and beyond, that designing streets for people is justice in action.
Thank you for your time and consideration,

A. Lightsey-Walker
André Lightsey-Walker
Policy Transformation Manager, The Street Trust
[email protected]

Advocacy work is painstaking and thankless. #TST staff attend hours of public hearings, write letters, and show up to testify week in and week out so your voices are represented in these discussions. But we need your support to make sure that pricing is implemented to reduce congestion and not to pay for more highway lanes at the expense of bike, pedestrian, and transit investments.

Donate today to support TST’s advocacy work ensuring fair and effective pricing in the Portland metro region. 

Walk + Roll Art Contest

International Walk+Roll to School Day is over, but our Safe Routes to School art contest is still going strong! Oregon students from grades K – 8 are encouraged to create an art piece showcasing why they walk+roll. Is it for health, community, fun, climate, or something else?

Submit your entry by Halloween (October 31) to win one of these jam-packed backpacks! 


Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day​​

The Street Trust is proud to help bring Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day to students across our state and region on November 17th.

A group of fifth-graders from Martin Elementary School in South San Francisco, California started this event in 2018 after they learned about Ruby Bridges, who made history as the first African-American child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana on November 14, 1960, during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis. Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day encourages students to learn about past social justice history and apply it to antiracism work today.

Schools will be able to order incentives for their students, use our bingo card to help students engage with the material, and find more activities from the San Mateo County team that’s been hosting the event since 2018.

Four people in brighlty colored jackets stand with bicycles in fornt of law office.


Thomas, Coon, Newton & Frost has been working with The Street Trust to improve our region’s transportation network for three full decades. Ray Thomas gave the first bicycle and pedestrian legal clinicin 1992, and since then, TCNF’s bicycle and pedestrian lawyers have continued performing hundreds of clinics across the state. Today, attorneys Cynthia Newton and Chris Thomas present most clinics for the firm. Any interested organizations are invited to reach out to TST or TCNF to schedule a clinic free of charge for your team, community, or organization.      



On top of their unwavering support of pedestrian and bike clinics, TCNF has also been involved in The Street Trust’s legislative advocacy efforts over the years.  A recent example is Ray Thomas’s testimony in Salem in favor of legislation clarifying that bicycle lanes exist within intersections, even when painted markings are interrupted. Jim Coon has also recently helped draft proposed legislation updating Oregon’s bicycle bill, and spoke at last year’s Active Transportation Summit on that topic.

When asked why safe streets are so important to them, TCNF said, “As injury lawyers we have an intimate view of the impact traffic collisions can have on the lives of our clients, from the acute stages of treatment to the long-term mental and physical repercussions. Unfortunately, fear of another collision often discourages our clients from riding the way they did before, and we know many other would-be cyclists avoid riding out of concern for their safety. We need safer streets to welcome those who want to get around without a car, but don’t currently feel safe doing so.”

The Street Trust partners with a wide range of organizations from non-profit, labor, business, health, education, faith, and other sectors. These partnerships make our advocacy more powerful, by bridging communities across differences, issue areas, and geographic focus. The Street Trust appreciates and values the relationship the organization has with Thomas, Coon, Newton & Frost, working together for safe streets for us all. 

The Street Trust is always looking to partner with organizations and businesses. Become a business member/partner here

Alice Awards Block Party Recap + Photos

Last weekend, an at-capacity crowd gathered beneath beautiful trees with friends old and new to activate a public plaza, reclaim and reimagine West Burnside Street, and celebrate the transportation champions in our community.  

Coming together for a safe, joyful, inclusive celebration is central to our core work of building community for better outcomes in our streets. But more play means we have more fundraising work to support the organization. So if you weren’t able to join us or you just want to see more inclusive events like this, we need you to contribute $20, $50, $100 or $250 today.

To see more photos from the 2021 Alice Awards, follow our Facebook page, check out board member Dr. A.J. Zelada’s website, or visit Bike Portland’s photo gallery.

Congrats to 2021’s Alice Award Winners!

The Bud Clark Lifetime Achievement Award Winner was Metro Councilor Bob Stacey who for nearly four decades has been an environmental advocate, a public servant, a trusted advisor to leaders, and a tireless voice for smart transportation choices for our future.

The Alice Award was presented to State Representative Khanh Pham (OR D-46) who accepted the award on behalf of the many parents, small business owners, community members, and activists who have fought for years to make 82nd Avenue a safe place where we can work, live, play, and pray. She called this just the beginning of a transportation transformation that we’re going to be making together to make sure these truly are all of our streets.

The inaugural Elizabeth Jennings Graham Transportation Justice Award was presented to BikePOC PNW for their leadership in actively creating intentional space for bike riders of color in our region. BikePOC PNW co-founder Will Cortez introduced the group as a collective of people in the community who bring trauma, joy, excitement, anger, sadness, and a vision for something that can be really great.

Thanks, BikePortland, for capturing video of the acceptance speeches. See the tribute to Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Bob Stacey who could not be present, Oregon State Representative Khanh Pham accepting her Alice Award, and the organizers of BikePOC PNW and the Chingonas Ride accepting their Elizabeth Jennings Graham Transportation Justice Award. Watch the video here.

About the Venue – Ankeny West

We were so pleased to celebrate under a beautiful blue sky block-party-style at Friends of the Green Loop’s new Ankeny West plaza in the Cart Blocks. The plaza provided ample space for our family-friendly gathering and reclaiming parts of nearby streets (thanks PBOT Healthy Businesses permit!) gave room for extra bike parking and the stage. We enjoyed lunch from the following food carts, permanently sited at Ankeny West: 

#1 Bento 

Anna Thai Basil 

Beijing House 

Fernando’s Alegria 

Hua Li House 

Kafta House 


Shanghai’s Best 

Tito’s Burrito’s #2 

Villa Angel Taqueria 

Thank You Sponsors!

A huge thank you goes to all the organizations and businesses who made the event possible!

The 2021 Alice Awards stage was sponsored by Thomas, Coon, Newton & Frost. Our sponsors were Kaiser Permanente, Columbia Bank, David Evans and Associates, KPFF, and PBOT. Our “Picnic Table” sponsors were Randy Miller, The Foundry, and Nelson/Nygaard. A special shout out to Brew Dr Kombucha for supplying the delicious kombucha and Go By Bike for the bike racks. 



The Alice Awards are coming up fast! Our annual awards ceremony is this Saturday, October 2nd, from noon to 3:00 p.m. at the new Ankeny West Plaza in the Cart Blocks of Downtown Portland (770 W. Burnside). Celebrate community leaders over food, drinks, games, and live performances-Tickets are only $15!

Buy tickets!


This Year’s Winners

Metro Councilor Bob StaceyMetro Councilor Bob Stacey is the 2021 recipient of the Bud Clark Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes sustained work toward achieving The Street Trust’s vision of a complete, safe, low-carbon, multimodal transportation system that contributes to equity in access, opportunity, health, and prosperity for people and communities across the Portland Metro Region and beyond.

Councilor Stacey was the TriMet Executive Director for Policy and Planning during the construction of the Yellow Line MAX in the early 2000s and has always been a visionary, linking land use, transit, active transportation and community for urban sustainability. “Councilor Stacey’s impact on our transportation systems spans the lifetimes of some – such as myself! – who are current advocates for a more equitable, safe and just transportation and land use system,” says Vivian Satterfield, Strategic Partnerships Director at Verde. “He’s played a massive role in shaping our region, from fighting the freeway expansion of the Westside Bypass and in supporting the vision of our region’s first ever BRT system with the Division project. His style of leadership comes from a place of genuine curiosity in engaging the people around him as people first in order to find values and common ground.”

Representative Khanh PhamThe 2021 Alice Award recipient is State Representative Khanh Pham (OR D-46). Rep. Pham has a long history of community building along 82nd Avenue and in The Jade District, where she has championed safety for people who live, work, shop, and play along the street and across East Portland.

Khanh was a founding leader of and spokesperson for the groundbreaking Portland Clean Energy Fund Initiative, which passed in 2018. As a newcomer to the legislature, she has tirelessly forged connections to bridge divides. “Rep. Pham has a deep commitment to environmental and climate justice. This year, she demonstrated decisive, visionary leadership in securing emergency and long-term funding for the transformation of 82nd Avenue and its transfer to the City of Portland from the Oregon Department of Transportation,” says Kimberlee Stafford, Chair of The Street Trust Community Fund’s Board of Directors. Prior to the legislature, Pham served as the Interim Alliance Director at the Oregon Just Transition Alliance and was Environmental Justice Manager at the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO).

BikePOC PNW logoBikePOC PNW will receive the inaugural Elizabeth Jennings Graham Transportation Justice Award for their leadership in actively creating intentional space for bike riders of color in our region. BikePOC PNW co-founders Will Cortez, Silas Sanderson, and Sukho Viboolsittiseri formed the group in early 2021 to create a community for bike riders from Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color in our area and it has grown quickly. “We appreciate their investment in creating a new, vibrant, and inclusive community for BIPOC cyclists in the Portland metro area through organized rides such as the ‘Chingona’ and ‘Party Pace’ rides,” explains Thomas Ngo, Chair of The Street Trust Action Fund’s Board of Directors.

“The Street Trust is excited to recognize three amazing community members and organizations for their activism and commitment to equity. Their drive and determination are inspirational and lay the groundwork for a better transportation future,” says Sarah Iannarone, Executive Director of The Street Trust.

Live Entertainment

DJ ALoSo will kick off the block party at noon as well as play sets throughout the day, culminating in a dance party at the end.

DJ ALoSo is a passionate music curator who believes in community, diversity and inclusivity. His musical influences range in appreciation for eclectic, world inspired, tribal influenced genres that journey through the soundscapes of both light and dark aspects of sound, vibration and rhythm. His artistic Latin influence emerges through a primordial essence, and is expressed through the sharing of music–intended to bring people together through the energy of love and balance.

At 1:00 p.m., Son de Cuba will take to the stage. Son de Cuba is a quintet of musicians from Cuba, Chile, Mexico, and the US. They have roots in Latin, African, and jazz rhythms and blend their vast knowledge of different beats together in classic and modern Latin songs, exuding energy and happiness. Dancing is encouraged!

At 2:00 p.m., take in an exhilarating performance by White Lotus Dragon & Lion Dance. The largest dragon & lion dance team in all of Oregon, White Lotus brings a unique approach to a centuries long tradition, continuously exploring new and creative ideas.

About the Event

Alice AwardsIn line with a greater focus on equity and inclusion, The Street Trust has transformed this year’s Alice Awards from a high-ticket-price dinner to an outdoor, community-oriented block party at Friends of the Green Loop’s new Ankeny West plaza. Live performances will include DJ ALoSo, Son de Cuba, and White Lotus Dragon & Lion Dance. The party will also feature food trucks, a beer garden, a swag table, a raffle, and a dance party. Attendees will get an exclusive preview of The Street Trust’s #OurStreets Campaign, which launches this fall.

In addition to the awards ceremony and live entertainment, the event will feature a raffle, the food carts of the Cart Blocks, a beer garden, ring toss–to win bottles of local wines for adults and candy and/or comics for kids, a blender bike to pedal your own non-alcoholic piña colada, limited-edition t-shirts, and a photo booth!

Volunteer shifts are still available to help make this event the best it can be! Sign up here.


Based on the latest public health data and analyses, we are reasonably confident that it will be safe to gather with a limited size group in Multnomah County on October 2nd and are designing our outdoor location to maximize social distancing. However, it will only be safe if people who attend are fully vaccinated and wear a mask except when eating or drinking. We are requesting that people who are not vaccinated, unable or unwilling to wear a mask, or who have been in close contact with someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, please refrain from joining in person and instead tune into our streams via social media and send a financial contribution to keep The Street Trust’s important work going.


Buy tickets!





We’d like to officially welcome our newest Champion Business Member B-Line to The Street Trust!

B-line is passionate about our community and the planet! As a certified B-Corporation, they work every day by working with their customers to reduce freight congestion, CO2 emissions, provide local green-collar jobs, streamlined recycling services, and helping feed those in need via their B-shares program.

Since 2008, B-line Urban Logistics has done this by offering advertising, warehousing, logistics, fulfillment, and zero-emission delivery services to an ever-growing group of businesses in Portland, Oregon. B-Line customers value the delivery time they save, the cost savings of a centrally managed warehouse with dedicated staff, and their ability to help scale quickly with delivery, fulfillment, warehousing, and advertising services in a centrally located solar-powered warehouse on SE 7th and Salmon street.

B-line’s founding premise, that business can be a catalyst for positive change, is quantified in their 2019 and 2020 impact reports.


Welcome to The Street Trust Family!



Become a Business Member and join The Street Trust Family.