
We’re at the table.

Transportation Parking Advisory Committee


Hosted under the Central Eastside Industrial Council (CEIC), the primary goal of the Transportation & Parking Advisory Committee (TPAC) is to leverage the transportation and parking systems to assist, foster, and expand employment and business growth in the Central Eastside Industrial District.

Areas of focus include improved parking management, freight mobility, ride-sharing and public transport; facilitating bicycle and pedestrian use; and promoting sustainable measures to improve air quality and livability for district residents, employers and employees.


Multimodal Commuter Working Group


The Multimodal Commuter Working group is one of the four working groups created to guide decision making on the Interestate Bridge Replacement Project (IBR). Participants include community members, organizations and stakeholders that can provide insight on how to ensure commuters of all modes can safely, effeciently and dependbly cross between Oregon and Washington.


Youth Pass Strategy Committee


Housed under OPAL and the Youth Environmental Justice Alliance, the Youth Pass Strategy Committee is actively working toward the provision of transit passes for all students within TriMet’s service district. Currently, students in David Douglas and Parkrose in East Portland, which are predominantly BIPOC and low-income, don’t have access to free transit- limiting their ability to get to school, jobs, extracurricular activities, safer spaces, and their communities.


Getting There Together Steering Committee


The Getting There Together Coalition was formed in 2017 in response to growing concerns that the Portland metropolitan region wasn’t adequately planning to build the comprehensive infrastructure and transportation system that will alleviate growing freeway congestion, empower working Oregonians to get to jobs, and ensure all the region’s residents prosper from an equitable, sustainable, and climate-smart investment in our future.



Earth Day Oregon Steering Committee


Earth Day Oregon works to amplify Earth Day while building community. As a steering committee member we are able to team up with nonprofit partners across the state who, through their work, prove that Earth Day is Everyday. 


Bicycle Advisory Committee


Consisting of 20 volunteer members, the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) meets monthly to review projects of interest to cyclists and discuss bike issues. The committee advises City Council and bureaus on all bicycle-related matters.


PBOT Bureau and Budget Advisory Committee


The primary objective of BBCA is to inform PBOT’s annual transportation budget. This is achieved through review of program priorities and capital project lists, the provision of input on the strategy for incorporating equity into PBOT’s work, by providing guidance to City Council on the effective use of resources as it relates to the overall budget, and by monitoring the creation of the budget and tracking overall revenues, expenditures, and larger program or project implementation.

The BBAC is comprised of PBOT staff representatives and community members who represent various geographic locations, interests, voices, and have a variety of different lived experiences.


Oregon Transportation Plan Policy Coordinating Committee


The Oregon Transportation Plan sets the long-term transportation policy for the whole state. Last updated in 2006, it informs and guides transportation investment decisions by ODOT and regional and local governments. The OTP sets the vision for all modes of transportation in Oregon, including walking, biking, rolling, public transit, highways, railroads, freight and even planes. In conjunction with the update ODOT has convened the Policy Coordinating Committee to help guide the creation of the plan and ensure that the goals and objectives are reflective of community needs. 


Oregon Transportation Forum


The Oregon Transportation Forum is a private, nonprofit membership
organization that encourages full development, maintenance
and integration of all transportation modes, including highway,
pedestrian, bicycle, air, transit, marine and rail, for the safe and efficient movement of people and products.



Oregon League of Conservation Voters


The Oregon Conservation Network is a coalition of over 30 organizations throughout the state that comes together to pass pro-conservation priorities to protect Oregon resident’s quality of life, and ensure a better Oregon for future generations.




If you have any additional questions or want to connect with our staff committee members please contact [email protected]