The school year has kicked off and it’s time to prepare for this year’s five Walk+Roll to School events!

This year The Street Trust is supporting five unique events that hundreds of K – 12 schools will participate in across Oregon:

  • International Walk+Roll to School Day – October 12, 2022
  • Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day – November 14, 2022
  • Winter Walk to School Day – February 2023
  • Earth Month – April 2023
  • Walk+Roll May Challenge – May 2023

Interested in hosting one of these events at your school? Please visit our webpage here to learn more about hosting an event and to order free incentives for the students at your school.


Host a Walk+Roll To School Event at Your School!



Enter the Walk+Roll May Challenge Art Contest!


 The Walk+Roll May Challenge Is On!

Kids across Oregon are getting outside to move and celebrate active living with their schools for the Walk+Roll May Challenge. This month, The Street Trust is encouraging and supporting students who choose to ‘walk and roll’ outside for transportation and exercise, and asking K – 8 students to draw why they walk+roll for our May Challenge art contest.

Click here to learn more and submit art by June 15 to win cool Walk+Roll prizes. Art will be judged based on the inclusion of walking and/or rolling safety features and creativity. Drawings can include anything from students’ imaginations or experiences, so wackiness and fantasy are encouraged!

Winners will be selected in the following grade groupings: Kindergarten – 2nd grades, 3rd – 5th grades, and 6th – 8th grades.

In Oregon, we celebrate the Walk+Roll May Challenge in conjunction with National Bike to School Day. The first-ever National Bike to School Day took place on May 9, 2012, in coordination with the League of American Bicyclists’ National Bike Month. Almost 1,000 local events in 49 states and the District of Columbia joined together to encourage children to safely bicycle or walk to school.

The event builds on the popularity of Walk to School Day, which is celebrated across the country – and the world – every October. Many communities and schools have been holding spring walk and bicycle to school events for years, and National Bike to School Day provides an opportunity for schools across the country to come together to celebrate and to build off of the energy of National Bike Month.

Submit Art To Be Eligible For Prizes!

Learn More About Our Walk + Roll Programs!



Get ready to Walk+Roll!


Mark your calendars and get ready to help K-12 students Walk+Roll with Winter Walk+Roll to School Day, Earth Month, and the Walk+Roll May Challenge.

Winter Walk+Roll to School Day: Wednesday, February 23

Earth Month: All April with special celebrations on Earth Day, Friday, April 22

Walk+Roll May Challenge: All May with special celebrations encouraged on Bike to School Day, Wednesday, May 4

Make sure you bookmark where we’ll be adding resources like event coordinator toolkits, social media images and messaging, printable event posters, activity suggestions, free incentive ordering and ideas, and more!


Want safer walking + rolling year round? Sign up to VOLUNTEER


Bring better driving to your neighborhood!


Want to learn how to be a safer and friendlier driver when sharing the road with people walking and biking? Sign up for FREE online Oregon Friendly Driver training through our partnership with Washington County Library and the Westside Transportation Alliance.

You will learn rules of the road, infrastructure, along with common mistakes and how to avoid them. They’re appropriate for drivers of all levels, from new drivers to professional drivers!

  • Cornelius Public Library: Thurs, Feb 10, 6:30 – 7:30 PM: Register here!
  • Forest Grove City Library: Sat, Feb 12, 10 – 11:30 AM: Register here!
  • Tualatin Public Library: Weds, Feb16, 5:30 – 6:30 PM: Register here!


The City of Milwaukie has opened new Safe Routes to School for students attending Linwood Elementary and Sojourner School! Thanks to these multi-use pathways (pictured right), residents can now more comfortably walk and roll on Linwood Avenue. 

These new pathways would not have happened with out the hard work of The Street Trust’s own Nicole Perry, who is our Clackamas County Safe Routes to School Coordinator and parent of one of Linwood Elementary’s students. Great work, Nicole!

Join The Street Trust as we celebrate the opening of the paths this Saturday afternoon. The City of Milwaukie will have four tent stations along the half mile stretch between Montgomery Drive and Aspen Street. The stations will be handing out treats, coffee, apple juice, stickers, and scavenger hunt prizes. Attendees can also also participate in bike decorating and sidewalk chalk art.

Arrive between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. this Saturday, November 20th.

Walk + Roll Art Contest

International Walk+Roll to School Day is over, but our Safe Routes to School art contest is still going strong! Oregon students from grades K – 8 are encouraged to create an art piece showcasing why they walk+roll. Is it for health, community, fun, climate, or something else?

Submit your entry by Halloween (October 31) to win one of these jam-packed backpacks! 


Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day​​

The Street Trust is proud to help bring Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day to students across our state and region on November 17th.

A group of fifth-graders from Martin Elementary School in South San Francisco, California started this event in 2018 after they learned about Ruby Bridges, who made history as the first African-American child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana on November 14, 1960, during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis. Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day encourages students to learn about past social justice history and apply it to antiracism work today.

Schools will be able to order incentives for their students, use our bingo card to help students engage with the material, and find more activities from the San Mateo County team that’s been hosting the event since 2018.